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Rubedo - L’entropia del LinguaggioRubedo, il gatto pasticcione, ha versato la pozione dell’invisibilità sui libri della biblioteca, facendo svanire tantissime parole dai preziosi tomi del suo maestro! Lunedì 1 Ottobre 17 - 20
Dipartimento di Fisica
Rubedo è un web game, basato sul gioco di Claude Shannon e sui più recenti studi a proposito dell'entropia del linguaggio, che vuole mettere alla prova la vostra capacità di prevedere il futuro, scommettendo sulle lettere mancanti di un testo incompleto. Rubedo è anche un web experiment, tramite il quale ogni giocatore può contribuire a misurare quantitativamente la complessità del nostro linguaggio e, più in generale, la complessità - l’entropia - di una generica sequenza di caratteri, complessità che è strettamente collegata al concetto di sorpresa, quella che proviamo ogniqualvolta cerchiamo di indovinare o prevedere qualcosa. L’esperimento verrà ripetuto nelle due giornate per tre turni orari: dalle 17 alle 18, dalle 18 alle 19 e dalle 19 alle 20. La partecipazione è libera in un turno/giorno a propria scelta, fino a esaurimento postazioni. Per la partecipazione è gradita (ma non obbligatoria!) la prenotazione tramite modulo online: clicca qui per prenotarti. Per dettagli e informazioni: [email protected]
Kreyon Prize 2016 powered by XTribeJOIN THE KREYON PRIZE!Do you like challenges? Are you fond of science and you would like to understand how ideas work? Try yourself, joining our challenges. Read the rules, choose your game and… game your creativity! RULESChallenge begins on 26th March 2016 and ends on 15th July 2016 Challenge begins on 26th March 2016 and ends on 01st June 2016 Projects can be submitted from 26th March 2016 to 10th September 2016 |
KREYON and XTRIBE @ MAKER FAIRE ROMEThe roman edition of Maker Faire was held this year at Sapienza University, october 16 to 18. It was a great opportunity for our team to present the Kreyon projects and XTribe games "at home". Ground Floor of Marconi Building (Physics Department) was packed with people of any age, eager to play our games and challenge their creativity in order to contribute to the scientific purpose of the project. We basically proposed three games: |
Kreyon Project feat. XTribe
Want to know more? Go to |
XTribe trailerExperimental Tribe is a web platform designed for scientific gaming and social computation. In the last few years the Web has been progressively acquiring the status of an infrastructure for “social computing” that allows researchers to coordinate the cognitive abilities of users in online communities, and steer the collective action towards predefined goals. This general trend is also triggering the adoption of web-games as a very interesting laboratory to run experiments in the social-sciences and whenever the peculiar human computation abilities are crucially required for research purposes. Xtribe is run by a research team focused on the investigation of dynamical processes involving human beings, a series of research topics gathered under the denomination of Social Dynamics. The research team recently got funded by the Templeton Foundation for a project on "Unfolding the dynamics of creativity, novelties and innovation".
CityRace@IdeaLabThe X-Tribe team of CityRace, led by Alina Sirbu, is in Dublin to attend the HACK THE CITY - IDEA LAB OPEN CALL at the Science Gallery until Saturday, June 23rd. The team will work at the integration of Dublin traffic data, thus allowing people to play in the Dublin stage. |
X-Tribe launch at the 2nd London Citizen Cyberscience SummitFinally, the beginning. The X-Tribe platform will be presented at the 2nd London Citizen Cyberscience Summit by the Citizen Cyberscience Center. After the success of the first edition, the summit will take again place in London from 16 to 18 February 2012, with a very rich programme that will touch many different aspects of the citizen science: people engagement, pollution monitoring, case studies and many others. At 12:05 of friday the 17th Vittorio Loreto, the X-Tribe team coordinator, will talk about the EveryAware project, introducing the role played within it by the X-Tribe project. At 14:00 of saturday the 18th Pietro Gravino will talk about the main ideas of the platform and will introduce the first games/experiments realized by the development team.. At 16:00 of saturday the 18th Saverio Caminiti will display for you the details of the platform and will bring you in a step-by-step tour to realize All the talks of the summit will be available in streaming here. See you in London! |